choohiya pakadana example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
The tool tip appears automatically when the mouse pointer is placed over the control and left there for a moment.
At this stage, hold mouse button pressed and drag the control to its new location.
Click at list box control available in tool box and carry the mouse pointer to the right side of the Form.
Click at Command button in Tool Box and carry the mouse pointer to Area at the bottom of Left most bottom corner of the oucher Form.Transliterated examples :
1. The principle is to merge in vitro mouse B lymphocytes stimulated by antigen X with a murine myeloma line adapted to specific conditions culture 2. This clock could not work for obvious reasons: reproduction speeds vary with species (eg, mouse genetic heritage is renewed more rapidly than elephants) 3. This remote beneficial effect is mediated by substances from the inflammatory reaction and capable, at doses in the microgram range, of protecting a mouse against a lethal bacterial infection 4. Using low-amplitude movements can still accomplish his hands, he handles a type of mouse which allows him to move a cursor on a screenGiven are the examples of hindi word choohiya pakadana usage in english sentences. The examples of choohiya pakadana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., mouse.
If it is set to No, the control appears dimmed and mouse action cannot be performed on such control.
The tool tip appears automatically when the mouse pointer is placed over the control and left there for a moment.
At this stage, hold mouse button pressed and drag the control to its new location.
Click at list box control available in tool box and carry the mouse pointer to the right side of the Form.
Right click the mouse at the black spot appearing at the left of horizontal ruler of above report.
Similarly, a mouse would soon suffocate in a closed space.
But when he placed a mint plant in the same bell jar, he found that the mouse stayed alive and the candle continued to burn.
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